Historically Black College/Univ. (HBCU)
--Acceptance rate (2022)
--Pay sticker price (2021)


How do we know?

Projecting net prices

It is difficult to predict what the average student will pay in the future, as the federal government publishes data with several years of delays.

The Hechinger Report projected sticker prices for the 2023-2024 academic year using the average 10-year growth rate. We estimate net price by using the percentage difference between sticker price and net price from the latest year it is available (2020-21) and applying that discount rate to the projected 2023-24 sticker price.

As a result, these numbers are an approximation, not an exact figure. To get a more accurate estimate of your costs, visit the school's net price calculator.

Historical price trend
Sticker price
Net price for
income bracket
This institution has frozen tuition at some point in the past decade, making it harder to predict price trends. Forecast may differ from final price.
This institution significantly dropped tuition at some point in the past decade, making it harder to predict price trends. Forecast may differ from final price.

Historical sticker-price data up to 2022-23 and net price up to 2021-22 provided by NCES. Data for following years projected from Hechinger Report analyses. Shaded area calculated using highest and lowest historical discount rate for average incoming freshman in income level. In-state tuition figures are used.

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Annual family income
Avg. net price
No. students paying this price
Net price is calculated by subtracting federal, state, local and institutional grants and scholarships from the sticker price for first-time, full-time (and, at public universities, in-state) undergraduates. Net price data shown above includes only families of students who received some form of federal student aid, including loans, since others are not tracked.
Success rates
Graduation rates by race

Rate of students who earn a bachelor’s degree within six years of starting or an associate degree within three years over the last five years.

Graduation rates are not perfect measures of school quality, but a low rate could mean many students are dropping out or taking too long to finish, which pushes up the cost of their education. Read more

No data available for school
Retention rates by type

Percentage of freshmen at four-year colleges who returned the following fall or, at two-year colleges, who completed their credentials or returned after one year over the last five years.

No data available for school
Financial aid
Financial aid from colleges and the federal government can significantly reduce the cost of attendance.
Grants and loans

The federal government, many state governments and colleges themselves award grants; like scholarships, they do not have to be repaid. Federal loans must be repaid with interest and often carry fees.

Any federal, state, local or institutional grants
Pell grants
Federal loans

Average amount and percentage data for first-time, full-time undergraduates

No data available for this school

Enrollment (2021-22)
Total undergraduate enrollment: 

